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Workshop - Dynamischer Komfort für klimaneutrale Quartiere


BauZ! 2022


Reaching our climate goals: What is a Positive Energy District and why should I care?

For a carbon free society to thrive, urban areas need to drastically change how they function and use resources is a much more effective manner. This is why future cities and communities need to give back more than they take. We'll explore how Positive Energy Districts play a crucial role into shaping the sustainable and resilient built environment that future generations deserve.

Positive Energy Districts in Austria – Frameworks, Case Studies and Definitions

Presentation of current Positive Energy District Projects in Austria and a brief discussion of their goals and feasible system boundaries and definition frameworks

Green. Building. Solutions.

Interaktiver Vortrag mit anschließender Podiumsdiskusison und Q&A im Rahmen des Moduls 3 zum Thema “Energy Planning and Positive Energy Districts” im Rahmen der Green.Building.Solultions. Summerschool, die dieses Jahr ausschließlich online abgehalten wird,

Future Quarter 2.0 – Grid-Supportive Conception of (Positive Energy) Districts

Webinar: EBC Technical Day - Energy innovations for the city of tomorrow Vortragsfolien (5 MB) Weitere infos: Forschungsprojekt “Zukunftsquartier” Forschungsprojekt “Zukunftsquartier 2.0”

Energieplanung in Städten wie Korneuburg - Potenziale einer Energieplattform

Energieplanung in Städten wie Korneuburg – Potenziale einer Energieplattform How can cities achieve energy autonomy? IBO Werkstattgespräch Simon Schneider und DI Dr. Bernhard Lipp, GF IBO GmbH, sprachen über ein Werkzeug, das angepasst an die Strukturen von Städten mit 10.